Following the update from British Cycling we are pleased to announce we will be able to recommence club activities from 29 March 2021.
Details of sessions will follow but we will still need to ensure social distancing is observed by riders and families aka ‘transport managers and personal assistants’. We will continue to offer sessions on a pre-booked basis only, booking via our website shop as before.
Initially, sessions will only be open to club members and this means you will need an up-to-date club membership. You can renew here.
Details on other events and race series will follow shortly.
Message from Michael:
It’s been a difficult 12 months for everyone. The club would like to thank all our members for their patience and for following the wishes of the club and council not to ride the track during lockdown in line with Government guidelines.
The track has been freshly topped and we look forward to seeing everyone trackside soon. There’s light at the end of the tunnel…!
Keep your eyes peeled for more updates as they happen. 👍👍👍
Look out for updates on the club’s Facebook page including details of club sessions that may mean the track is closed to the public.
British Cycling current statement regarding cycling activities.