UPDATED: Club activities are going ahead as planned.
Given the current situation and Government advice, the club is holding club activities as normal for the time being. We are sure our club members will understand and support this decision. Should this change, the club will communicate requirements to club members, BCP Council will issue advice and/or install signs at entrances to the track etc.
We set challenges on the club’s Facebook page, something for everyone to try based around bike skills that you can practice at home. We hope everyone continues to get some exercise whether on track/in club sessions or elswhere/otherwise, but please adhere to social distancing rules (as well as eating your greens and washing your hands) where and when they apply.
Please ride safe and stay well.
Cheers all 💚
South Region BMX updated statement in full regarding COVID-19.
British Cycling statement suspending sanctioning of events at all levels.
BCP Council’s statement regarding closure of play parks (it includes BMX tracks and pump tracks).