Bournemouth BMX Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday 29 September, 7pm at the clubhouse, Iford Lane BH6 5NF.
In advance of the AGM, relevant information will be posted here – please check back for updates over the next few days. The meeting report will also be posted here.
Draft Agenda
- Annual review
- Review note of last meeting
The meeting note from the club’s 2022 AGM can be found here.
- Chairman’s report
It’s been a long time since I rock and rolled
It’s been a long time since I did the stroll
Ooh let me get it back, let me get it back
Let me get it back, baby, where I come from
It’s been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
Yes, it has…..
30/01/22 to be exact
Welcome everyone and thanks for coming and apologies for the long time since the last AGM but we’ve been pretty busy and things seem to have been rolling along quite nicely.
What’s been going on since our last AGM?
- Unless you’ve been under a rock or asleep we hosted the Brits the biggest domestic race in the country and Im pretty sure you will agree we pulled it off and a huge thanks to everyone that took part in the running, planning and execution of the event
- We saw the return of the Deep South Series
- Membership grew to 170 members
- We had the largest contingent of riders for the second year running at the Bournemouth Brits and we also had over 100 riders representing the club at this years Regional series which looking around the country is the largest number of riders from any club in any of the regional series around the country
- We developed the website to enable our members to get better value from our sessions and also encourage membership
- At the worlds in France and Scotland we had a great representation of riders and we now boast a couple of W plates with Brynley and Ella
- Coaching remains a huge focus and the Saturday morning sessions have continued to grow as well as introducing mid week sessions when possible to ensure all our riders have the opportunity to benefit from our coaching sessions
- Investment into the facilities and equipment with Pre Brits track changes, a new gate barrel, ram, compressor, generators,PA system, Sqorz system
- A successful Summer race series and the introduction of 4X category
- 4 new coaches Sam, Oscar McMc,Tim and finally Brynley which will give us a coaching team second to none and a huge opportunity for the club and
its members - A great influx of new volunteers
What’s next?
- Continue to work to redevelop the track more to follow
- Further develop our new coaches and get them qualified to level 2 BMX Specific level
- Introduce a pump straight and sprint straight to further enhance our training offer
- Improve the turnaround time for shirt orders and merch
- Ensure we have a committee and volunteer base to future proof the continued development of the club and give our members the opportunity to play a part in the clubs day to day running and beyond.
With Andover and Gosport having full floodlights for the first winter its really important we continue to offer our members a strong comprehensive winter offer. With the introduction of new coaches, new sprint and pump straight alongside the Sqorz system we have some great opportunities to further enhance our offer.
For the coming year I’d like to see us continue to grow our membership increase volunteer participation , redevelop the track and really do more but make it easier by spreading the load and getting more people on bikes.
So as Robert Plant said at the start it hasn’t really been such a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time and lets get back to rock n roll.
- Treasurer’s report
Opening balance £11,915.46 (dates in line with Bank Statement dates)
Income for Year 11/12/21- 10/12/22 – £115,816.63
Outgoings for the year 11/12/21/ – 10/12/22 – £78,949.32
Profit £36,867.31
2021/22 points
- Brits year saw a considerable increase in turnover as well as outgoings; with a generous donation of £30k from BCP Council, we were able to invest a considerable amount into the track in preparation for the event but also some longer term investments such as new gate barrel, ram and compressor, new silent generators, new PA system, new laptop
- After the dust had settles we made around £18k profit from the event which was great although a huge thanks to Woodmace whose generous donation of security fencing hire saved us around £7-8k but it also has shown the amount of money hosting such events costs
- Taking out the £30k from the council we made a profit of £6,867.31 (although monies were spent that may not otherwise have been thanks to the additional advanced enabling funding provided by BCP Council ahead of the British Championships)
Opening balance as of 11/12/22 £49,856
Income for the year 11/12/22 – 08/09/23- £ 30,620.22
Outgoings for the year 11/12/22 – 08/09/23 £28,846.73
Profit – £1,773.49
2022/23 points
- A quieter year with no Brits this year but a healthy income yet again and some investment into the club and facilities including £4k spend on the SqorzSystem we bought from Leicester BMX club.
- Deep South generated around £3.5k of income and the Regional was great bringing in around £3.5k also
- The introduction of credit card machines from the Brits has also really helped in streamlining our income streams as has using own website in the ordering and processing of club shirt orders
- An overall result of £3,8640.80 profit over the 2 years or £8640.80 if you take out the £30k from BCP and considering the amount of investment into the track and facilities is a great result. The income and outgoings do include the income and costs from the Deep South but that has been taken into account and has been a great revenue provider for the club
- Going forward and looking at the amount of money we now generate we really need to look at a hired account.
- A closing balance in excess of £50k leaves in a very strong financial position and gives us the opportunity to further invest in projects for the club and also give us potential leverage for chasing some bigger fund raising bids
A full set of bank statements are available on request for the period above. If anyone has any questions please feel free or drop club Chair Michael Whittaker a line any time.
- Election of officers
Anyone wishing to stand was invited to contact the club secretary via and requested to supply a short (200 word) statement of why you are suited to the role you are applying for, no later than one week before the AGM.
If more than one person wishes to stand for a committee position, a ballot is held in accordance with the club’s constitution. No ballots were necessary.
Current officers/positions following the AGM:
- Chair: Michael Whittaker, nominated by James Phillips, seconded by Jon Moore
- Vice-chair: John Twitchen, nominated by Michael Whittaker, seconded by Kevin Cowlard
- Treasurer: Inese Berzina, nominated by Mike Sylvster, seconded by Will Parr
- Membership Secretary: Lucie, nom Felicity, sec Dell Randall
- Website and web shop: Jon Syrett, nominated Jessi, seconded Neil Mullins
- Funding: Mike Sylvester, nominated by James Phillips, seconded by Paul Ross
- Volunteers’ coordinators: Hayley and Anneka, nominated Paul Manns, seconded by Dave Bishop
- Maintenance: Paul Manns and Gavin, nominated by Michael Whittaker, seconded by Ritvars
- Race Administration: James Phillips and Neil Mullins, nominated by Michelle Fry, seconded by Andy Pope
- Design: Will Parr, nominated John Twitchen, seconded by Michael Whittaker
- Welfare: Cathy Willcocks, Paul Ross, Cheryl Mainwaring, Julia Sylvester, happy to stand again
- Catering: Tracey Whittaker, nominated by Michelle Fry, seconded by Michael Whittaker
- Close of meeting – 8:03pm
Open meeting for non-AGM business
- Next quarterly committee meeting will be held in mid-November.
Track improvements
- Sprint/jump straight and portable gate: construction to commence 9 October, will provide the club with a really good facility for midweek in winter; propose the club purchases a Prostart portable gate, £1,600 euros.
- First straight improvements: part of track works incl drainage and
Sqorz plan
- James, Neil, Dell etc to take away as an action, including timing locations. Note that the decoder will only identify two detection points, plan is to include three points and can switch. Plan to be presented in mid-November (next committee meeting).
Deep South Winter Series
17 December – Bournemouth, Christmas event.
Winter timetable and coaching
- Coaching – few weeks off, pick up in November
- Timetable tbc
- Coaching expenses discussed, to be agreed at next quarterly committee meeting (November, date tbc)
- Winter timetable – Thursday nights from end-Oct
Coaches to take away and present back to next committee meeting.
Planning update
An outline planning application was submitted in the summer, currently out for consultation by BCP Council planning department. The proposals include:
- an enlarged footprint of the track and spectator area, enabling a longer track and improved spectator access
- removal of minimal numbers of shrubs and trees and replacement with mature specimens to improve screening
- installation of power and floodlights to competition specification following British Cycling guidance
- improved storage under a new start hill and larger pens area
A recent site meeting with planners was positive, with the club awaiting formal feedback. Next steps will be to action feedback, likely to include a requirement to undertake various environmental surveys (biodiversity etc) and update formal plans for the lighting scheme. At its last committee meeting the club approved initial spend on the outline planning process (up to c £2.5k) and has set aside funds for surveys, fees etc (c £10k, tbc following feedback from BCP Council).
JT to update at the next committee meeting.
2024 Summer Club Series
- Proposed to hold races on Friday evenings.
Club fees
- £6.00 for members, discounted from non-member rate.
Additional laptop – agreed.
Oscar leading on BMX specific coaching badge – agreed.
Rider of the Day etc for summer club series – ideas welcome.
Trophies for anyone who attends their first race at the club – agreed.
Servicing for Honda generators and certification of compressor – Gav and Paul to arrange.
Service and maintenance schedule – Gav to sort, present to next meeting.
Club merch – move to NX Teamwear. Agreed.
End of series trophies – date tbc.
Meeting closed at 9:15pm
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Look out for updates on the club’s Facebook page including any changes to events due to weather, pandemics or other things that may occasionally crop up.
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