Bournemouth BMX Club held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 12 March, 7pm – the clubhouse, Iford Lane BH6 5NF.
In advance of the AGM, relevant information will be posted here – please check back for updates over the next few days. The meeting report is also be posted here. The AGM will consider the club’s updated draft Constitution (click on the highlighted word to view the document), along with the club’s updated Code of Conduct and new Anti-Bullying policy, in line with British Cycling’s policies and procedures.
Part 1: AGM
Present: Michael Whittaker, John Twitchen, Cathy Willcocks, Paul Ross, Kevin Cowlard, Will Parr, Michelle Fry, Paul Manns, Anita Manns, Mike Sylvester, Hannah Jaqueline, Jon Syrett, Inese Berzina, Jessica Lamb, Stu McQuirk, Will Stephens, Del Whatmore-Randall, Neil Mullins, Steve Willcocks, Tim Chetland
Apologies: Jon Moore, Gavin Cheffey, James Phillips, Cheryl Mainwaring, Julia Sylvester
Prior to commencing the AGM, Chairman Michael Whittaker proposed a toast in memory of Sally Reynolds, who passed away earlier in the day after a long battle with illness. The club extends its thoughts, love and best wishes to Sally’s family and friends. Rest in Peace, Sally.
1. Annual review and Chairman’s report
After what feels like the longest winter ever it’s great to be looking at another upcoming season of BMX. We held our last AGM on 29 September and whilst it had been a longer than usual time between previous AGMs, this one brings us back in line with a more regular time for our AGM.
So since September what have we done?
- Added a sprint straight and pump track to enhance our training facilities along with some improved drainage in the final berm.
- Hardwired in the Sqorz system so we can run live timing at most of our gates sessions.
- Continued with our quest to update our license with the council with the long-term aim of redeveloping the track with a planning application about to be submitted, with several surveys being carried out and regular contact with the council. More news as and when it happens.
- Spent the off-season ensuring our equipment has been serviced and maintained and although Big Paul did everything he could Im afraid we finally said goodbye to our beloved Green tractor after 34 years of service it finally gone to the tractor shed in the sky.
- Switched our merchandise supplier over to NXT where we will launch a new range very soon which will be available to order direct from a new web shop.
- Hosted another Deep South round of the 10th Anniversary Series.
- Supported two more coaches to gain qualifications, Oscar Mc Mc and Jon Syrett, and continued to offer regular coaching sessions for all our riders regardless of ability – so a huge thanks to our coaches. We very rarely now bring external coaches in as we are lucky enough to have a great team of homegrown coaches within the club.
- Grown our volunteer base – it’s been great to see some new faces getting stuck in and helping grow the club.
As ever for the coming year we will focus on making improvements not only to our facilities but also to ensure we can provide for our existing members as well as reaching out to new members.
Over the past few years we have seen participation in the sport continue to grow as well as media coverage in the sport which has been great and along with this also the expectations of the club and region have also grown. So we are also looking to ensure as a club we support all our riders and members as well as, just as importantly, our volunteers, so we can continue to grow participation and ensure best practice is followed in all areas.
Finally with the season now underway it was great to see the club being represented by 70 riders at the first Regional of the season and also seeing Zac Twitchen and Brynley Savage competing at the first European Cup rounds in France last weekend.
Here’s to a successful season for everyone and more of the same in sunny Bournemouth.
2. Review note of last meeting
The meeting note from the club’s 2023 AGM can be found here.
3. Treasurer’s report
Inese provided updated accounts and the Chairman ran through the headline figures.
Opening balance £50,518.11 on 01/01/2023
Income for Year 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2023 – £50,194.20
Outgoings for the year 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2023 – £57,547.55
Loss £7,353.35
Closing Balance – £43,164.76
2023 points
- High income and expense numbers are due to BBC holding DSWS funds which are now separated I believe.
- Deep South and South Region generated around £3,500 of income each.
- Annual memberships brought £1,760.
- Coaching sessions £10,242.50
- Gates £3,348
- An investment into the club and facilities including £4,000 spent on the Sqorz System + additional expenses related to running it – Laptop etc.
- Invested around £5,000 on the pump line
- Invested in repairing and maintaining equipment – tractor, floodlights, etc
- Money ringfenced for the preparation of a planning application and necessary reports
- A closing balance of over £40,000 still leaves us in a very strong financial position and allows us to further invest in projects for the club
- A full set of bank statements are available on request for the period above
- If anyone has any questions, please feel free to email to club Chairman Michael Whittaker via
4. Election of officers
Anyone wishing to stand is invited to contact the club secretary via and requested to supply a short (200 word) statement of why you are suited to the role you are applying for, prior to the AGM.
If more than one person wishes to stand for a committee position, a ballot is held in accordance with the club’s constitution. No ballots were necessary.
Elected officers:
- Chair: Michael Whittaker – Nom Steve Wilcocks – 2nd Anita Manns
- Vice Chair: John Twitchen – Nom Will Parr – 2nd Kev Cowlard
- Treasurer: Inese Berzina – Nom Michelle Fry – 2nd John Syrett
- Membership Sec/Website: Jon Syrett – Nom Steve Willcocks – 2nd Del Whatmore-Randall
- Funding: Will Stephens – Nom Paul Ross – 2nd Mike Sylvester
- Funding: Mike Sylvester – Nom Stu Mcquirk – 2nd Will Parr
- Maintenance: Paul Manns – Nom Kev Cowlard – 2nd Steve Wilcocks
- Maintenance: Gavin Cheffey – Nom Neil Mulliins – 2nd Michael Whittaker
- Race Admin/Sqorz: James Phillips – Nom Michael Whittaker – 2nd Hannah Jaqueline
- Race Admin/Sqorz: Neil Mullins – Nom Jon Syrett – 2nd Del Whatmore-Randall
- Design: Will Parr – Nom John Twitchen – 2nd Inese Berzina
- Welfare: Cathy Willcocks – Nom – Inese Berzina – 2nd Wiil Stephens
- Welfare: Paul Ross – Nom Jom Syrett – 2nd Kevin Cowlard
- Welfare: Julia Sylvester – Nom Will Stephens – 2nd Paul Manns
- Welfare: Cheryl Mainwaring – Nom Stuart McQuirk – 2nd Michelle Fry
- Catering: Tracy Whittaker – Nom Michael Whittaker – 2nd Will Stephens
5. To approve the club’s updated Constitution and associated documents
Vice-chair John Twitchen introduced the updated constitutions and policies which had been drafted and reviewed by the committee, and shared with club members prior to the AGM. There being no comments, the club’s new constitution and policies were adopted unanimously by the AGM.
Close of meeting – 19:32
Part 2: Open meeting for non-AGM business
1. Summer timetable and coaching
A list of summer events will be published on the club’s website by the end of March. The club will hold its summer club race series on Friday evenings, moving from the traditional Thursday spot which leaves Wednesday and Thursday evenings clear for gate practice during most weeks throughout the summer.
Summer club race series dates as follows:
Round 1. Friday 26 April
Round 2. Friday 10 May
Round 3. Friday 24 May
Round 4. Friday 19 July
Round 5. Friday 02 August
Round 6. Friday 06 September
Chairman Michael Whittaker noted that there is now a Coaches Agreement in place and due to be signed by all club coaches by the end of March, and which will apply to any external coaches hiring the track for coaching sessions. All regular sessions hosted by the club will be posted on the club’s website in the shop, and all payments must be made electronically via the club’s web shop. Hourly rates apply to external coaches or any additional sessions organised outside of the regular club sessions. All external sessions hosted at the track must be agreed with the club in advance, and will be advertised in the usual way (ie on the club’s website and posted by the Secretary on the club’s Facebook page); the track will be CLOSED to all other riders for the duration of a coaching session. If the session is not approved by the club and advertised by the club, the track cannot be closed and therefore any insurances coaching will be invalid.
This ensures the club is able to continue to offer coaching and training sessions to all its members, and to honour the licence issued by BCP Council. Any questions, please email the club Chairman via or speak to Michael Whittaker.
2. Planning update
The necessary reports are being completed and the planning application should be submitted by the end of March 2024.
3. Club fees
Club fees will be held at current levels for 2024.
4. AOB
Trophies/medals for participation: trophies will be awarded for qualifying riders finishing in the top 8 positions, with participation medals again awarded for riders qualifying and finishing outside of the top 8.
World Children’s Day: Southbourne, 12 May 2024 – looking for volunteers to support the club’s involvement. Volunteers:
- Michelle Fry
- Anita and Oliver Manns
- The Parrs
- Jon Syrett
- Others, please contact MW
Presentation night: Fliss Mullins has volunteered to coordinate; aim is to secure date and venue early; proposed change of venue from Snowtrax. Keenness to do more awards – committee to discuss.
Close of meeting – 20:03
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Look out for updates on the club’s Facebook page including any changes to events due to weather, pandemics or other things that may occasionally crop up.
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